Summary: How Food Banks Affect The Surrounding Communities

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eligion ISU: How Food Banks affect the Surrounding Communities
Awareness through Research
Introduction Statement In 2013 91, 746 food hampers were distributed through the Waterloo region, in a population of 563,000, that means that 16.3% of people in the Waterloo region accessed a food bank at some time in 2013. Having the ability to go to the grocery store is a privilege many Canadians don’t recognize. Even in Canada, may people cannot afford to go to a grocery store every week, many people have to make the decision to have good food for week or pay the rent. Food banks often bring a stigma with the name. Many people say that food banks bring trouble to the communities, that the food banks increase the amount of troubled individuals in the area. Those who use food banks and social programs are just regular people who have fallen on hard times, and just need a little bit of assistance to get back on their feet.
Introduction to the Issue

The issue I will be researching is looking at the welfare services that are accessed by the less fortunate in our community. A welfare service is defined as being; “actions and procedures that …show more content…

The parable then tells how a priest, and a Levite both passed by the man and would not help him, then a Samaritan stopped and took pity on the man. He brought the man to an inn and paid for his room and any bandaged his wounds. The parable tells us Christians, to help those who are suffering regardless of who they might be. In the Good Samaritan, a priest walks past the man and does not help him, which goes against our catholic teaching. The catholic teaching to help the poor and vulnerable, without seeking rewards for our actions is one of the highest calling in the Catholic Church. The golden rule states that we must have do unto others as you would have do unto

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