Sugar And Artificial Sweeteners Analysis

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Stirring up the Bittersweet Truth: Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners The body can become dependent upon sugars. They can become chemically and physically addictive to the body if not eaten in moderation. Sometimes the outcome is not worth the pleasure when it can lead to an early death. When it comes to sugar and artificial sweeteners, is one healthier than the other? At times, eating sweets can satisfy cravings, but it generally leads to eating more than the daily allowance of calories in one day and the excess calories are generally stored as fat. Over indulgence of these foods and soft drinks can contribute to weight gain leading to obesity, and other health risk factors. Furthermore, eating excessive amounts of artificial sweeteners can …show more content…

She states “that when it comes to sugar the average adult consumes 23 teaspoons a day”. She explains that the excessive sugar intake can lead to obesity and other health issues (Mansfield Sugar Surprise). This can pose as a major health concern in adults and children. In the Sugar Overload: Corporate Profits vs. Public Health, Serge Ahmed, a researcher in Southern France, states “that a child consumes an average of 100 grams per day of sugar”. He also concludes that children are at risk 60% more than the average adult and sugar has been a direct link to obesity. (Ahmed Sugar …show more content…

Bishop, there are claims based on observations that the artificial sweetener, saccharin, causes bladder cancer in lab rats and their offspring. In a review of rats exposed to high doses of saccharin for one and a half years, twenty studies showed a more significant amount of tumors in rats (19). Bishop also states that the most health issues reported are migraine headaches which are linked to aspartame, another artificial sweetener (20). In conclusion, which sugar is the correct choice? There are many health risks that can arise out of these sweet temptations. Each person needs to weigh the outcome of sugar and artificial sweeteners based on overall health concerns. Always consult a doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. In addition, eat sugar and their substitutes in moderation. Detox the body; less is the key. There is nothing to lose by giving up sugar in the first place! Try a natural choice; it may have a small amount of sugar, but it will also give many health benefits of vitamins and minerals which are healthy for the

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