The Consequences Of Success And Success

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Success is a universal law that has existed for all of time. In the beginning, animals achieved success by capturing or finding food and feeding their family. We still do this today; however, we are much more advanced now and success has expanded to virtually everything within our lives. In every situation, that is experienced every day, there are only three outcomes and those are success, true failure, and quitting before true failure. This idea of achieving success is one of the most commonly thought about ideas amongst all people. When most people think of success they think of others who are either, wealthy from some sort of business, famous because of their ability to entertain, or distinguished by their intellectual prowess. This is a …show more content…

Within this definition it does not specifically define what "action", it just states that there is an "action." That is because success is not a specific action like owning a booming business, being able to captivate an audience, or develop brilliant breakthroughs. Success is completely and solely defined by the person who is attempting the feat of success. Success can range from being the wealthiest and most powerful person in the world, to simply attempting something new every single day. Within any given situation or decision there appears to be two options, success or failure. One can either decide what they believe success, in that certain context, is and achieve it or they cannot achieve it and fail that situation. However, there is actually a third option that is considerably worse than the other two options. Success is obviously achieving what you set out to achieve. Failure is not achieving the goal, but within failure itself there is "quitting", which is the worst kind of failure. The reason that quitting is so awful is because it forces all of the time, money, and effort …show more content…

The first thing someone must do to move towards their goal is to identify the goal. Once this has been achieved, it is just going to be a matter of time until the actual goal is achieved. The ways to increase the odds of the goal coming to fruition are by using the laws of cause and effect that state "for every effect there is a definite cause and for every cause there is a definite effect" (Sicinksi). This can clearly be seen in every example of success ever. The first step in someone achieving anything is take action, the cause, and success, the effect, will follow thereafter. Actually achieving success, not "successful failure", requires the person taking action to have many traits. In simple instances like deciding to eat healthier, it requires a little persistence, and determination; however, in larger goals, like career choices, extreme hard work and a proper mindset must be combined with many other traits to obtain success. All of these traits are causes that force the effect, or obtaining success, to take

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