Happiness And Happiness: The Definition Of Success

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When I was growing up, I was told to hurry up and work hard to be successful. At a young age, I interpreted that success was to make money. Only when I am wealthy I will truly understand what success is, happiness. As I got older I realized that success has many different interpretations and it differs from one person to another. Success to me is a feeling rather than an event or series of events. One sole event does not amount to success. Even when I have achieved something, there is always going to be something more. The drive to be successful will always be there and success is more of a feeling when reaching different tiers of goals. In reaching those tiers, I believe you get a sense of happiness and relief in knowing you are moving in …show more content…

To strive for something that is important to whoever is directed to. Another definition of success is “the attainment of fame, wealth, or social status.” In a world, we live in many want to be famous or just known for doing something. For some people, they might feel their happiest when they have wealth. Money is the main concern for some people. To some, it is a necessity for anyone who is trying to succeed in life. Many believe that the only way to succeed is to have a lot of money. However, this is not universally true and is consequently not a true measure of success. The word success takes in different forms. Many people have different interpretations of what success means. I was able to gather different aspects of what success means from interviews. I asked twenty-five people of different sex, ethnicities, and ages for their definition of success. I was actually surprised many did not talk about wealth. I assumed people would associate success with wealth. The information I gathered was surprising because almost everyone associated success with happiness. Anything that would make them happy would help them feel

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