Student Leadership Coordinator Research Paper

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I’m interested in working as a student leadership coordinator because I want to contribute to my community and improve my skills as both a leader, and a team member. Through this opportunity, I’ll provide input on programming that’s beneficial to my peers. Another reason that I’m interested in working as a student leadership coordinator is that I’ll be an integral part of making Miami University successful, as I’m part of the team that provides resources to students. I desire to make the Scholar Leader Living Learning Community that I’ve been recently accepted to run efficiently. I want to ensure that everyone has their needs met. I’d make sure that the leadership programs and workshops that are used to strengthen students’ leadership skills …show more content…

This event involved coordinated efforts between administrators, faculty, and organizations such as the Women’s Center, and the Miami University College Democrats. There were multiple training sessions so volunteers could easily answer questions that interested students asked. Various clubs were everywhere on campus, in every quad and central location.
Through this dedicated effort, over seven hundred voter registration forms were submitted. With Voting locations on campus and buses to take students to early voting locations, voter turnout increased. This type of event is beneficial as millennials are not as civically engaged as earlier generations. By fulfilling this civic duty, students are given a voice. This was meaningful to me as it was one of my first events and earliest volunteering opportunities at Miami University. This was a practice in leadership as I could instruct and engage with my peers. I have a huge interest in politics, and I enjoyed seeing my fellow students participate in this important process. I contributed to something greater. My peers are ready for voting in their communities. They can use their voices and elect representatives that legitimately represent them. I believe the more engaged we are, the more prosperous that we will

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