Student Anxiety

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Today anxiety in students is moving to a lower and lower age. Twenty-five percent of students between the ages of thirteen and fourteen have anxiety. As time goes on anxiety is increasing in students. Most adults brush it off and don’t think it is an issue, but in all reality it is because the age of students who are being affected by this gets younger and younger. Soon enough children will no longer have a childhood because they are too worried about impressing adults with knowledge and doing well in school. The biggest issues that cause student’s anxiety are safety drills, increased expectations for student’s school work, and bullying in schools.
One of the biggest factors that increase anxiety is safety drills. Safety drills include fire drills, tornado drills, and intruder drills. According to W. Fermont “Literature suggests that the threat of crisis events can negatively affect children's anxiety levels” (Zhe and Nickerson). This is one of the most important facts to take to mind because these drills putting the idea into children’s minds that schools, which are supposed to be one of the safest places, are now one of the most dangerous places. “Controversy exists over whether students should participate in drills. It has been argued that student …show more content…

Bullying has been a huge problem in public schools. Even though schools have tried implementing different rules it continues to create problems for student. “Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues”(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). After a while of being bullied student’s grades start to slip because they are more afraid of protecting themselves than they are of keeping grades up. “Decreased academic achievement—GPA and standardized test scores—and school participation. They are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school”(U.S. Department of Health and Human

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