Struggles Black People Face

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African americans struggle with appearance Black men and women have struggled with their appearance ever since being oppressed solely based on the colour of their skin, to losing big opportunities due to the stereotypes people have created. One of the struggles that black individuals face is finding jobs, right away their skin colour is seen as a weapon, people stereotype them instantly due to their skin colour being “too dark” or their lips being “too big’ or their hair being “too unprofessional”. Another struggle for black men and women keeping jobs are their hair many see it as a distraction because it is not the norm. Black men and women with dreads, locs, bantus and curly hair face discrimination in the workplace …show more content…

It our stories of the oppression and discrimination we as black individuals faced. The reason why hair is so important in the black community is that it's been suppressed for so long, so we're taking liberation from the racial oppression that just our hair has …show more content…

People of colour learn to love themselves at a later more grown age, because there is zero representation in the media about them and when there is it's usually based on stereotypes. This kind of representation in the media affects people of colour because it's showing us that the european beauty standards are what is considered beautiful and normal, and it makes people of colour feel un validated, ugly and different. This is seen in so many experiments where they asked black kids if a white baby is cuter or prettier than a black baby, and the black boys or girls all chose the whiter baby, and when they asked which baby was ugly they would point to the black. When asked why they chose the black baby the kids would simply say, “Because they are black,” and when asked which baby was more like them they all pointed to the black baby their faces would become all sad and they looked and felt ashamed to be black. This kind of thinking comes from the media in kids movies, tv shows and commercials you see the white person being the hero and usually the black person or people of colour being the villain, and kids think to themselves that white means nice and dark means bad, and in commercials you see white women or men having straight hair and in the commercial it says things such as, “ Smooth and beautiful.” or “Straight and soft.” Making little boys or girls with kinky natural curly hair say “My hair isn’t like that.”

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