Struggle for Civil Liberties

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After the terrorist attacks of September eleventh on America, the government proposed and passed a change to civil liberties of Americans. The changes are being made are under the Patriot Act. The limits being imposed are necessary for America's safety, and to effectively hunt down these groups that wish to destroy "The American Way of Life." The information that terrorists gather about the security of military installations, airports, and other high priority targets allow them to plan and execute the killing of innocent people worldwide. It is easy for some Americans to argue for their rights and there freedom, however it is impossible to say how many attacks have been stopped due to the limits imposed on our freedom.

The limits on the freedoms are in place to protect the innocent. Terrorists are using the rights granted by the Constitution for protection and to assimilate information. The Patriot Acts gives the government the right to monitor groups and individuals without suspicion, to prosecute record keepers for disseminating information that is subpoenaed by the government, to search and seize documents without consent or probable cause, and to detain Americans without a trial or the ability to confront there accusers. Normally these changes would be unheard of before civilians were attacked on United States soil. After the events of September eleventh both the government, and a majority of the population saw that these changes are needed for national security and the safety of the masses. The accuser of a crime might be an informant or an operative whose secrecy is necessary to both his or her safety and effectiveness. If the group or individual in suspicion is in fact innocent, they have nothing to fear or hide. If a mistake is made, and someone is held with no just cause, it is necessary due to the thousands of Americans lives in the balance, including the thousands of troops that were sent abroad to fight with extreme prejudice against those threatening "The American Way of Life."

A large number of Americans, mostly liberals but also some ultra-conservatives, are against the Patriot Act. They argue that Americans rights are in place to watch over "Big Brother", and by taking those away, there is nobody controlling the government. Americans have dramatically changed in the last forty to fifty years. Americans trust in politicians and government agencies has gone down with dramatic effects.

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