Strong And Healthy Relationships

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What Makes a Strong and Healthy Relationship?

“I cannot promise you a perfect relationship without arguments over our differences and trust issues. However, I can promise you that as long as you are trying, I am staying. -Unknown.” A relationship can be defined as a romantic association between two people. Often times people struggle to find balance in their relationship. No relationship is known to be perfect, however it takes two people willing to make their relationship work. Having a strong and healthy relationship not only creates a strong bond between one another but it also helps a person learn how to expand their heart. It is important to try to maintain a healthy and strong relationship because then it becomes unbalanced and extremely …show more content…

This simply means communicating your personal feelings and letting your partner know what is on your mind and how you are truly feeling. Communication starts with being open minded and being a good listener. In the article “Healthy Relationships,” there was a piece of information that caught my attention; using the 48 Hour Rule. The 48 Hour Rule states, “If your partner does something that makes you angry, you need to tell them about it. But you don’t have to do so right away. If you’re still hurt forty-eight hours later, say something. If not, consider forgetting about it. This is a key to healthy and strong relationship because it is so easy to become upset over something but sometimes we get upset about situations that can be fixed. We as humans often get angry in a specific moment instead of looking at the bigger picture. With communication comes respect. In a relationship, you have to learn to value and fully understand a person, their opinions and beliefs. One quote that I have always lived by is that, “you must give respect in order to get it.” Everyone deserves to be respected and understood in every situation. It is also important to learn to respect yourself. In the article “Bustle,” it expressed the idea of “if you do not respect yourself, then who else will?” It is all about having mutual respect. Communication and respect are key aspects when trying to build a strong and healthy …show more content…

This is when creating boundaries plays a part in the relationship. Creating boundaries helps your relationship become healthier and more secure. Setting boundaries for your relationship does not have to be, “You cannot do this,” but simply just getting a better understanding what kind of relationship are you in and what do you both want from the relationship. It is also about expressing how certain things make you feel; what you would like to happen in your relationship and what you wouldn’t like to happen. Creating boundaries is not suppose to be something that makes you feel like you are trapped but this is key aspect when learning how to respect each others individual likes, dislikes, and wants in the

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