Stressful Conversations

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To: Dr. Steve Flaherty From: Nathan Goodrich Date: 6/7/2017 Subject: Reading Response for “Taking the Stress Out of Stressful Conversations” Introductory Paragraph Having unpleasant or stressful conversations is an unavoidable part of life. Avoidance tends to make a mildly stressful conversation into an extremely stressful conversation because the magnitude of the stress along with the magnitude of the problem tends to amplify over time. While stressful conversations may be inevitable, these conversations can lead to positive resolutions when approached in a thoughtful manner. The person leading the conversation should understand the different directions a stressful conversation may take in order to manage the tone and emotion to the extent …show more content…

The author goes on to discuss three common types of stressful conversations that occur in the workplace. • “I have bad news for you.” o The author uses the example of addressing poor performance with a subordinate. “In conversations like this, the main challenge is to get off to the right start. If the exchange starts off reasonably well, the rest of it has a good chance of going well. But if the opening goes badly, it threatens to bleed forward into the rest of the conversation” (Weeks, 167). • “What’s going on here?” o These are conversation that take an unexpected turn in a negative direction. The author recommends managing these types of conversations by restating your intentions without conceding your point. • “You are attacking me.” o These are aggressive stressful conversations in which shouting or cursing may be used to demean the other party. According to the author, you should openly call out the tactics used by the aggressor without going on the offensive …show more content…

Placing the blame on one party is generally not an effective technique for conflict resolution. The article espouses backtracking when conversations get heated in order to restate the initial premise to allow for clarification and to disarm the other party. Perceptions The article encourages people to think about and prepare for stressful conversations in advance, which is great advice. Go into stressful conversations with a plan allows you to react in a structured manner as opposed to reacting emotionally. But, how many times have you had a confrontational conversation with some in your head a million times, but the actual conversation goes in a completely different direction? This may why the author encourages achieving a state of self-awareness so that people can recognize the deviation from their idealized conversation before it occurs. Personal

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