Strengths In The 2013humanmetrics-Jung Typology Test

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Introduction Leaders don’t have the availability and expertise to know all much less do all in the business world. Knowing one’s own strengths and weaknesses is beneficial to become an effective leader. This understanding allows a superior to know, when they can effectively deal with a situation or when one of their colleagues or subordinates would be better suited to handle the situation. Moreover, this information allows for the boss’ own personal growth and mentorship of others. Test results There are many personality tools available to anyone wishing to increase their knowledge of the subject, but Carl Jung’s theories have been in practice since 1940 (Humanmetrics. 2013). His theories have had many opportunities to be disproved, but instead they have only been elaborated on. The 2013Humanmetrics - Jung Typology Test utilizes not only Jung’s theory, but it incorporates those of the Myers and Briggs team for an improved holistic insight. The personality test and subsequent results consist of 8 possible preferences (6 from Jung and 2 additions from Myers Briggs) traits comprising a total of 16 possible combinations (Humanmetrics. 2013). My personality tests results reveal that I am what is called an Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Judging …show more content…

David Keirsey (2016) indicate the ENFJ personality type is only approximately 5% of the population. The personality type is known for “Sharing visions and actively engaging others - requires clarity of purpose and a special connection to people” (Plonien, 2015, p74). The test highlights that a favorable personality traits is being considerate of others and circumstances when contemplating the next planned action (Bevilacqua, Ciarapica, Germani, Mazzuto, & Paciarotti, 2014, p 860). Furthermore, ENFJs are identified as: helpers/supporters, global learners, people-centered leaders, and proficient at handling multiple projects at once (Humanmetrics. 2013 and Personality Max

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