Strangers in the Dumpster

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“How do you know so much? Who told you about Dream
Tag?" Gilbert said shocked.
“We know a lot about you. A portion of us more than others,” answered Trunk.
“But I don’t have a horn, like unicorns have,” it was all Gilbert managed to say. He didn’t want to cry but he felt the same kind of sadness as the black unicorn when they took her foal away. He clasped his fists. Both Trunk and Orson’s hands withdrew off his shoulders by the sudden rage.
Waves of hot air caused Gilbert’s shirt to tear at the seams. His hands grabbed the men’s cloaks.
Trunk and Orson’s bodies rose up over Gilbert’s head, manifested by electrical discharges. They closed their eyes as light began to spike from them.
Gilbert released his fingers from the strong grip and the two men dropped to the ground in a whooshing deflated sound.
Trunk held up his palm, pain was clearly written on his face. Orson imitated the gesture.
“What did I do?” Gilbert looked frightened. “He’s the one. He’s the one.” Trunk repeated.
“May the Boundary Tower’s power help us,” Orson’s body began to shake. He took out his wand but couldn’t move his body.
Trunk pulled out his own wand but couldn’t hold it. The wand fell next to him.
Gilbert touched Trunk’s wand, grabbing the thicker end. A bright white light exploded out of the tip, sending waves of light outward across the grassland. The lightening crackle sound cut through Gilbert’s shocked face.
Trunk speedily stood up but with much effort, followed by Orson. They both moved in closer to Gilbert, pulling their coats around him. Trunk’s hand gently removed the wand from
Gilbert’s hand. The bright light faded to a silent whisper. “Your plate,” Trunk could barely speak.
“Your operation,” Orson took over while Trunk sat down following the flo...

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...ould grow once you were changed into a boy. Had it grown back, you would have been found. Covetous Poemag’s would have made an issue over it for greed. As it was, you almost were discovered. You are the last unicorn and have a mission to save our world from extinction. Your world. You alone must fight the Eternal Phoenix. You have no choice. The Phoenix has already eliminated your sister, thinking she was the last unicorn.” Trunk shoved his hands into his pocket and pulled out the picture of Gilbert’s sister, Anna. He pushed it into Gilbert’s hands. “Her disappearance would have been for nothing if you don’t take up your intended task.”
“In the end we all will perish if you don’t,” Orson stood gazing at the bright glow of the Boundary Tower past the ridge of no return. “The treachery will and must end soon. I just wish I knew when it will come to prepare you for it.”

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