Storms Of Controversy: The Avro Arrow Revealed

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The Avro Arrow is incontestably an accomplishment of Canadian engineering, without having its intended Iroquois engine this sleek composite masterpiece was able to break the sound barrier and attain an impressive speed of Mach 1.98 (Gibson, n.d. p. 2). It is easy for me to say the Diefenbaker administration was short-sighted scrapping the arrow. In reality without the gift of clairvoyance or a time machine, how/why it was scrapped or if the possibilities of such an aircraft would be practical, affordable or capable are truly unknown.

The debate of the Avro Arrow, previously unknown to me, has through my research left me with a morose perspective. The theories surrounding the conclusion of the project range from the speculative i.e. budget concerns to full blown conspiracies. For example, the book Storms of Controversy: The Secret Avro Arrow Files Revealed suggests the possibility of a KGB spy who tried to steal the designs of the Avro Arrow (Compagna, 1992, p. 18). He even goes so far as to say that some of the people involved in the project were possibly murdered to keep quiet and those that are left strangely will not talk. The government’s decision to cancel the construction of the Avro based on monetary spending, whether or not that was the reason, was a fact. The original budget set for the construction of the aircraft was far exceeded amounting to a total cost of $347,669,537 …show more content…

It is hard to know what information and advice the government was being given. It may have possibly been the right decision at the time. Even though selfishly I would have liked to see the project finished. Had the Avro finished, and it was everything they believed it could be, who knows maybe Canada might have been known as the turbo jet pioneers and industry leaders. That would be a nice change from being known for Tim Hortons, poutine and

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