Stop Animal Cruelty

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A sad puppy pops across the screen followed by the words “No Food, No Shelter, No Love”. This heartbreaking visual has you filled with guilt, and then you click on donate. I am talking about the advertisements made by the America Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The ASPCA is a non-profit organization with a mission of ending animal cruelty (“The History of the ASPCA”, ASPCA). The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals effectively promotes an end to animal cruelty by using heart breaking visuals and logical facts in order to get people to help animals by donating money.
First, the dog catches the viewer’s attention. The dog has only three legs and has a sad look on her face. The dog stands out with most of the light on it. Then the darker side comes into view. The words “NO FOOD, NO SHELTER, NO LOVE” are all capitalized and stand out with the orange color (that matches the dogs fur color). Finally, your attention goes to the smaller white words. The facts presented keeps the viewer interested because it appeals to a more logical side that there is a reason behind the image. The story …show more content…

Viewers are informed that just sixty cents a day, less than one dollar, is needed to help save animals lives. Many people want to help those who cannot help themselves and animals are no different. Abused animals are defenseless. They cannot help that they were abused and left to die. People feel it is their duty to help animals. The ASPCA’s explicit advertisement has helped them reach their goal, which is to get people to help abused animals. The ASPCA has had success and it has helped many animals (“Success Stories”, Appalachian SPCA). Not all animals have been saved but with the help of viewers many more animals will be saved with donations to the organization. We should all do something helpful with our money just once a

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