Stomach Ulcer Research Paper

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What is it?
Stomach ulcers are painful holes that can be found in the stomach lining or small intestine. Stomach ulcers are a symptom of peptic ulcer disease. They happen when the thick layer of mucus that protects your stomach from acid is taken away, allowing the acid to dissolve the stomach lining. Stomach ulcers are easily cured, but they can become severe without treatment
What are the symptoms?
The most common symptom is a burning sensation or pain in the area between your chest and belly button. Normally, the pain will be more intense when your stomach is empty and it can last for a few minutes or several hours.
Other symptoms are:
• dull pain in the stomach
• weight loss
• not wanting to eat because of pain
• nausea or vomiting
• bloating …show more content…

Serendipity and its connection to stomach ulcers
Serendipity means luck: It was not intentional, and happened by chance, but it was good that it did happen.
In Marshall’s lab they had been trying to grow these bacteria, but were unsuccessful. Marshall took a few sample tissues (biopsies) just before Easter, on Thursday. They went into the incubator on Friday and Saturday. The technologist was so busy on Saturday morning; he only concentrated on the normal biopsies. Then there was a four day holiday. So he didn’t look at the biopsies that they were trying to infect with bacteria from Thursday until Tuesday morning. Then Marshall got a phone call from the technologist, saying “Barry, come down to the lab! We think we have grown these bacteria.” Marshall came down and he was talking to them and he said “Why didn’t we grow them before?” and the technologist said “We always throw these plates out after two days if we can’t see anything”. Since the bacteria took 3-4 days to show, it wouldn’t have shown until they left it there for more than 3-4 days.
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