Steve Jobs Research Paper

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Jobs and Technology Steve Jobs was the founder and CEO of a major technology company known as Apple. Jobs created the company after he dropped out of college to pursue a dream he had. He would achieve his dream and influence millions of people around the world because his success. Apple would change the world of technology into what it is today and it will continue to have an influence for years to come. Steve Jobs has affected the modern world in the technology industry, innovations in technology, our mobile devices, as well as computer science. Throughout his career, Steve Jobs has molded the technology industry into what it is today. Jobs’ first computer, the Macintosh, was a huge step in changing the tech industry. According to McCullagh said that “The irascible, brilliant impresario led a transition from minicomputers and IBM PCs squashed into beige metal boxes to the Macintosh, the iPhone, and the concept that technology should be fun to use.” Even after the Macintosh, Apple created the well-known tablet business when they released the iPad (McCullagh 1). If that wasn’t enough, Jobs created a second company to create a new computer interface aimed …show more content…

Jobs is often described as a charismatic and seductive leader as well as a perfectionist that was obsessive about product quality and design. Steve strived to be the best and to always take the next step towards the future (“Steve Jobs” 3). These characteristics helped Jobs drive Apple to create new and innovative products in the future. Some of the products that Apple created were the iPod and iPhone, which took over the mobile device market. They are now some of the most popular devices, along with some of Samsung’s phones. The popularity of these two devices pushed the development of iTunes and the Apple Store, which are used on all of Apple’s devices. Without Jobs, we would be using completely different types of mobile

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