Steve Jobs Greatest Accomplishments

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Honor is a high respect for someone of something. Honor to me is a source of credit or distinction. Someone I honor in science is Steve Jobs.
As many of us know, Steve Jobs is the creator of the Apple Iphone, Macbook, Ipad, Watch, and many more creative technology. On April 1,1976 is when it all started. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created the first Apple Computer. Which led to the creation of Apple INC on January 3,1977. After this, Steve and his partner began creating more and more inventive technology. This is his greatest accomplishment.
Steve Jobs has changed the entire twentieth and twenty-first century. Imagine a world without the great mind of Steve Jobs? Many of us would not have the great and high tech phones that we have today! In my opinion, that would be very upsetting. I love my Apple Iphone. I think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. This is how I know a world without Steve Jobs would be horrible. No great technology like we have today would change how school and our lives would work.
For Steve Job’s amazing creations, he has received many awards for them. Here are just a couple of his many awards. In 1987 Steve Jobs was awarded the award titled “Jefferson Award for Greatest Public Service by an Individual 35 Years or Under” He was awarded …show more content…

He made great change to our day n’ age, and got many awards from that, which he without a doubt deserves completely. I give full credit to Steve Jobs for making our lives so wonderful. He is very honorable for his work. Steve Jobs should get more credit for what he did to our lives. I just do not feel like he gets the credit that he deserves anymore.After his passing I feel as if people forgot about him more and more each day. He could've got more reconsigned by getting more rewards and be put in textbooks more often. In textbooks you hear about the people who created a name for something ridiculous, why not the man who completely changed the world

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