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A bloodcurdling high-pitched squeal followed by the sound of flesh tearing disrupts the humid and misty environment. The ground shakes as the smell of blood draws in the masses, a feeding frenzy soon follows. Competitions have been held on planet Earth since the beginning of time. Humans began to compete as soon as we laid foot upon our beautiful planet. At first, our competitions were held to see who would eat, who would drink, or to see who would reproduce. Human competition was about life or death and only the strong were guaranteed survival. Today, things are drastically different when compared to the era of the Cro-Magnon. We no longer face the life or death bouts over a single meal. Competition is still as strong as ever but our “prizes” are now more trivial compared to the rewards for the cavemen.
Nowadays, our most fierce competitions are held in football stadiums, hockey rinks, and weight rooms. The rewards for today’s gladiators consist of bragging rights over a rival, worldwide notoriety, and large sums of money. How things have changed in a few million years.
Winning has always been a top priority for our species, the cavemen needed to win or their lives were finished. Today, we need to win because our society tells us so. Vince Lombardi summed up the entire modern era when he said, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” Even though things are drastically different, there are some things that have not been lost over millions of years of evolution.

Santana 2
Humans have always looked for an extra advantage to get an edge on their competitors and over time many have crossed the line and stepped into cheating. Cheating has become a problem in our society that is obsessed with winning and looks. People often feel inadequate when they cannot live up to standards set by a mainstream society. People look to things that they believe are quick fixes to their problem. Many people see Steroids as an answer to their problems. Stero...

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...; Santana 9 prevalent in places where there is a high concentration of young people, the minds of these young people are focused on image and sex(trust me I know). Places like Tallahassee, where there are three different colleges, are the areas where the problem is the worst. I myself have been tempted to try steroids and several of my close friends have fallen to this temptation. Two of my closest friends, which helped me out with this paper, use steroids and they do not see anything wrong with using them. That is the scary part. People are willing to overlook long term consequences in order to satisfy their short term wants. I know my chances of using steroids have dropped considerably after researching for this paper. Bottom line is that steroids are drugs and drugs are poisons. Steroids are poisoning our young adults and they are poisoning the competitive spirit of athletics. Society will not change its views or ideals but maybe knowledge about the dangers of steroids will keep the needle away from at least one person’s rear end.

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