Stereotypes Of Women In The Workplace Essay

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Graduating from school to move onto a job, is the one thought that many get. But some jobs may be harder for women to get into than others. As technology continues to advance, so do the opportunities for women. Men have always dominated in the workforce and play a major role in society, but is it the same with women? Why is there such a big gap in gender roles in the workplace? The question being how important are women's roles in society?
The portrayal of women in society has always been a loving wife who takes care of the children, but in today's society that has changed. As there are more opportunities for women in both education and careers, there would also be equal opportunities. But that is the one predicament of women in the workplace. What made women's roles in society the way they are today? “All modern societies evolved out of Agrarian societies...women had a place in society that wasn't just dictated by male prejudice; it was dictated by the needs of society” (why did almost all societies believe that women were inferior to men?). You can still see this in less developed countries today; the …show more content…

The stereotype that women are weaker than men is the biggest problem. As technology is making labor easier for anyone, because it handles all the hard labor, opportunities for women have become equal. But in the industry women are still treated as if they are inferior. “Large firms revealed that employee resistance to female supervisors was one problem inhibiting entry of women at the managerial level” (Women in Industry: Employment Patterns of Women in Corporate America). As the gap of gender roles increase, so do additional budget costs. But why are women treated inferior? Scientifically, the disadvantages of women to men have only been assumptions rather than proof (Women in Industry: their Health and Efficiency). Women have slowly been taking over “male” jobs, such as

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