Stereotypes In The Movie Crash

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The timeless film Crash, has been known for its substantial intensity and unforgettable actions. Many reviews on the film have been rather harsh because of the multiple narrative tactic, which jumps from scene to scene not allowing any development of theme or evolving characters. Others would argue that the multiple characters with different lives unknowingly crashing into each other helps develop the theme of the movie. The stories of the individuals are woven together and one can see how exactly we effect each other even though we have never met. The movie Crash greatly benefits from having a multiple narrative as it exposes much character development and essential themes. Each of the characters in the movie Crash have different perspectives …show more content…

After the carjacking, a repulsed Cameron kicks Anthony out of his car and says "You embarrass me. You embarrass yourself." After the incident Anthony steals a van full of illegal immigrants that he later buys because the chop shop was going to sell them off as slaves. He finds it in his heart to release them and gave them all the money he had, 40 dollars. In that moment he became a changed person after rescuing the immigrants that could have been victims of human trafficking. Cameron showed him that being black doesn’t mean he has to be a thug which happened to give Anthony the strength to make the right moral decision and save lives. Another character that greatly evolved is Officer John Ryan, a bigoted white police officer with the greatest racism out of all the characters. In the beginning he is shown physically molesting Christine Thayer, a black woman, during a traffic stop. His racial prejudices seem to stem from the negative impact that local affirmative action policies had on his father's business. As if that wasn’t enough, his father was diagnosed with a bladder infection despite prior useless treatments. His anger towards his father’s condition has manifested into prejudice, which he then reveals towards a HMO employee. His racist

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