Stereotypes In The Big Knife

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The story of The Big Knife like the stories of Golden Boy and Rocket to the Moon is that of a man who fails to live up to his ideals and possibilities, It is the story of Charlie Castle, a financially successful Hollywood star Charlie Castle could have been a good actor,but he has sold his soul to a movie producer whose chief interest is in dividends for the stock holders. Odets has listened carefully to the way people talk and one of his greatest assets as a playwright is his ability to put real speech into the dialogue of his plays at the same time using that dialogue to demonstrate with brief, deft strokes the individual characteristics of the people in his plays. While some of the characters in The Big Knife are too one-sided and a few approach stereotypes, all give proof of Odets’s ability to show characters …show more content…

Write your book-- make it scandalous. Wire me for money any time you need it. Someone has to complete -,nQ the work he was born to do. Naive, ain't it? (112) Marlon reveals both her own character and that of Charlie when she says, to Charlie, Aren't you the one who says he wants to live a certain way and do a certain kind of work?... And then pushes a pie in the face of everything he says? Men like Hoff and Coy have their own integrity— they're what they are I The beetle and the fervid Christian can't be equally corrupted! You can laugh--you can snort I But the critic who called you the Van Gogh of the American theatre saw, as I did, that you had a Christian fervor! (Beginning to cry) And now you're nothing, common trash— coarsened down to something I don't even recognize! (Pausing) Don't think I ever condoned what you did! (Weeping bitterly) But you're helpless, you're sick You feel guilty and it makes you viciousl You've taken the cheap way out--your passion of the heart has become a passion of the appetites! Despite your best intentions, you're a horror … (62) Throughout the play Nat maintains the same traits shown when he

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