Stereotypes In Remember The Titans

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Around the world people are educating their children in different ways, different values and morals in their life. The movies that we watched in class had different topics that people should put attention to when watching them or any other movie and how people are showed and the stereotypes that are being shown or created by the makers of the film and how this will affect the children's way of thinking about their peers.The movie I am going to analyse comes from a true story that in my opinion was not very realistic and it did not show the hard time the black people had when integrating the schools and how the whites even today make less people of color. In the movies Remember The Titans there is many topics that people can easily see about the film. The movie starts with how a African American coach named Herman Boone was hired at Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia where the school just begin to integrate. The previous coach was white Bill Yoast lost its job over the black coach. The town disagreed with this change,. white parents in the town protested outside of the school with the hopes to keep the school an …show more content…

This movie is based on race and how segregation was not the best option for the students and the communities because the message showed in the movie is that race should not define the success of a team or how the community has to treat certain people. Coach Yeast said “Yeah. I hope you boys have learned as much from me this year as I've learned from you. You've taught this city how to trust the soul of a man rather than the look of him. And I guess it's about time I joined the club. “ this was very powerful because he said to the teammates that they change the perspective of many people in the community and even his point of view about skin

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