Stereotypes In 'How I Met Your Mother'

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How T.V. Sitcoms Often Portray Men as Bumbling Idiots For the past 60 years television has had a powerful impact on all sides of life from our entertainment to forming stereotypes against people. Modern T.V. Situational Comedies portray men as clumsy fools. The Crazy Romantic Fool The Crazy romantic, the guy who does crazy things and looks like a fool trying to woo the girl. How I Met Your Mother is a Classic example of the crazy romantic as the narrator tells his kids of his adventures dating in his early life trying to find the right girl. However, along the way he has foolish moments of stupidity. Like in season 5 when he after eating a pizza he knows is probably bad, from a poor pizza place, he is inflicted with as he describes gut wrenching agonizing pain. The Big Bang Theory’s Leonard is a character who from episode 1 is in love with the girl who lives across the hall, Penny. This attraction is the driving force for the first few seasons and during which Leonard shows he is quite clumsy and foolish while trying to court Penny. When they are “beta testing their relationship” in season 5 Leonard shoots himself in the foot when Penny kisses him.T.V. shows use the romantic character as a comic relief and a driving force for the show. The Partying …show more content…

How I Met Your Mother character Barney Stinson is obsessed with girls so much so that he has learned goofy tricks like magic to woo them. He also at times just acts ridiculous and vacuous when confronted with a beautiful woman. An example of this is him getting alcohol thrown at his face in. The “bro” character is often portrayed as more collected than, say the romantics but they too are also subject to being slapped or beaten for their actions. So less of a bumbling idiot, but idiotic in their actions or attempts for what they were trying to

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