Stds On College Campus

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STDs on College Campuses Imagine a Saturday night on a college campus, getting ready to go out with your girls and enjoy a fun night on the town. Once you and your friends arrive at the party, you see the star quarterback who you think is the cutest, and you will do anything just to say you slept with him. Little do you know that the boy who you think is the cutest boy on campus, and the boy you will sleep with with in a heartbeat is carrying one of the biggest harmful secrets that exist on every college campus? He doesn’t even share this secret with his closet friends. Friends known as “his boys” Nevertheless he approaches you. Your girls are pumping you up. You are the envy of every girl in the party at this moment, because he’s coming your way. His eyes are dreamy, his smile is oh so sweet, and he’s well dressed. He smells good, he looks good and the two of you connect. Of course one thing leads to another. You risk it all and you engage in unprotected sex. “Just this one time” you say to yourself. What could it hurt? Now instead of being able to say you slept with him, you now can say “I slept with him, and he gave me an incurable STD”. Even though this is a hypothetical story, this situation becomes reality for far too many college students. “In this story that young lady just became …show more content…

This leads to a wide spread of college students not being responsible enough to have sex. “According to the C.D.C. everybody who is sexually active should get tested at least once a year for Chlamydia and other diseases” (Sexual Risk Behaviors: HIV, STD, & Teen Pregnancy Prevention). Practicing safe sex is all about being responsible. If you are not ready for the consequence good or bad, then you are not ready to partake in sexual activities. No one is ever ready to be diagnosed with an STD but the way you prevent it, is by practicing abstinence which is the 100% safest way to

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