Start A Fire Poem

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The lyrics burn into my head and I am no longer on a walk through my neighborhood, I am on a walk in a forest. The voice of Passenger helps me escape the weight that various aspects of life have put on my shoulders as he uses his lyrics in "Start a Fire" to light up the new world before me. A world in which I look through the trees to see the "last sun glows" despite the dead leaves and snow around me.

Step by step, I walk closer to this sparkling sun. I don't even notice the freeze of my body as I walk beside a stream during this winter evening. I don't even want to notice, because the beauty of the sunlight is what I want my focus on. This beauty is what I thrive on.

"Oh, I think I'm gonna start a fire."

I pick up my pace and "walk amongst the trees," but I can not figure out what comes next. What trees did I just pass by? What trees are currently surrounding me? The cold catches up and I don't know where to go. I feel the cold prickling my skin and there is nowhere to go. My mind freezes like the nearby stream. …show more content…

I take a step toward it, before looking down and seeing that the stream has started to flow again. I take another step and the cold is forgotten. I take more and more steps and work to get to this sun, to this warmth. I begin to feel green grass beneath my feet and notice that there are now red, orange and yellow flowers blooming all around.

Then I find myself at a cliff, not able to take another step forward to keep chasing this sun. The last of the sun rays leave my skin glowing, and I suddenly realize that this warmth doesn't have to leave. With a match from my pocket, I can get what I yearn for despite the setbacks and struggles I had experienced along the

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