Poem Analysis: Hanging Fire

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“I’m not saying I’m perfect; in fact I know I’m far from it; I’m just saying I’m worth it.”Hanging Fire she doesn’t like herself or her skin color. She is raising herself almost, and she talks about dying and suicide a lot. I can relate to this poem a lot. I don’t like myself and sometimes it feels like I have to raise myself. I know it’s a hard subject to talk about. Sometimes I think about suicide I feel worthless, and if I was not here people would be way happier and their lives would be much better. She talks about not liking her skin color, these are some examples of why I think she does not like her skin color. The first example is “my skin has betrayed me.”The second example is “How come my knees are so ashy.” those are just a few reasons why I think she doesn’t like her skin color.It is significant to me because I don’t like myself and it can be significant to others because they can not like themselves either.She talks about raising …show more content…

The first example from the story is “Momma’s in the bedroom with the door closed.” The second example is “ I have to learn how to dance before the next party” she doesn’t know how to dance so she has to teach herself.The final example is “I have nothing to wear tomorrow.” Those were a few examples why I think she is raising herself.The significant to me and others are they can raise themselves I feel like I have to raise myself sometimes and to others, they could feel the same way.She talks about dying a lot and the title is Hanging Fire the first example is “what if I die before the morning.” The second example is “suppose I die before graduation.”The final example is “will I live long enough to grow up?” Those were some reasons why I thought she wanted to die.The significant to me and others I think about suicide sometimes and other people could think about dying sometimes too.I can relate to this

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