Standardized Testing In Schools

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Standardized Testing
Standardized testing is used in countries as a means to assess students, teachers and schools. Controversies of standardized testing include test purpose, design, implementation and use of test results. Standardized testing in the United States deeply affects the students and the school education system. They are unreliable and there is minimal increase of student performance of these tests. It is more than just a test. It has become a direct impact on how someone's future will look. Tests like the SAT or ACT should be a low-stake test to only be looked at to see a student's academic progress. Standardized testing should be revised because of the negative impacts on schools, schools are already opting out of accepting and taking certain tests, and the money aspect has affected everyone at the schools. …show more content…

The testing causes unnecessary pressure on the teachers, administrators, students, and families. Five schools gave statements about standardized testing and data revealed that, "of all the statements made regarding standardized testing, 77% were negative and 23% were positive" (Klein). Negative impacts of standardized testing include teachers having to change their lessons to fit the test, low self-esteem conquering students, and the hopelessness of having a good future. Standardized testing being a high-risk test, one bad grade from one of these tests can affect your whole future. Standardized testing, "only shows a snapshot of student success and does not look at the whole development of the child (Durham). These high-stake tests have corrupted everything students have learned and have just put it all in one single test. There are times when a student can be a 4.0 plus student throughout high school, but because of one test, they have problems getting the needed scholarships. Additionally, schools are already standing up to standardized

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