Stand Up: Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

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Stand Up Sexual harassment and sexual explicit behavior that take place both at the work place and also institutions of higher learning is not a new phenomenon. Sexual harassment has been a serious issues for managers, and it also happens to occur in businesses as well. The severity of sexual devious and mal intent behavior differs from gender to gender, race, age, and also from psychological factors, such as repressed memories from childhood. There is no excuse for inappropriate behavior taking place anywhere. Individuals should never feel violated sexually in any forum. As one studies and analyze the case study at hand, we must be reminded there should be no deviation between cultural differences or beliefs on the levels of sexual harassment or rape like episodes. Such actions are …show more content…

The behavioral pattern of the two student employees over time show that they were not in the mind set to change their perverse ways. In this case, I would take the action to file a formal complaint. But, personally before things have gotten to that point and escalated, as a co-employee, I would’ve took it upon myself to pull the two individuals aside to explain to them that their actions are unethical and not tolerable for any work environment or society itself. Their actions exceeded your standard guidelines of a verbal warning, for example, when they were sharing images and graphics of a sexiest nature on their cell phone devices, at that point they went too far. Ron DesVue (30 year-old veteran, student and classmate) said it best, “I don’t care what your boss says; this is inappropriate behavior for the workplace, even if they are on break.” There is validity in Mr. DesVue’s statement, these two individuals action should not be permitted at all, anywhere. In most, are many work places that is a direct cause for termination, and depending on the severity of the complaint, sometimes criminal sexual harassment charges.

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