Speech On Nafta

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Thus, one remedy to our struggle is to tell every mother, especially every Black mother, since we are on a mission to prevent our extermination and uplift especially our people, to: 1) Starting pre-natal, the first day home or as early as possible, to hold the baby, hold a book and read for 5 to 10 minutes every day. This will fix the child so that for the rest of its life, every time that it picks up a book, it will get a little warm feeling in its heart. The baby will have the mother’s love and heartbeat mixed up with the book and this will produce a “lock” that no amount of negative peer pressure or inadequate education can break. The child easily will learn to read and will do very well in school. Now, if started early enough, the effectiveness …show more content…

However, following the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), laboring jobs went to Mexico, Southeast Asia and China all for cheap wages. Do you really understand that, Black Man? The corporate, power structure in this country, controlled by our former slave masters, DO NOT EVEN NEED OUR LABOR ANYMORE!!! This is especially sad when you stop to think that the Whites brought us over here actually to give us a job and to have us work! Thus, if you remove the backbone of an organism you remove hope of life! NAFTA REMOVED OUR ECONOMIC BACKBONE!!! Also, any Black man that is not competent in reading and mathematics has a much greater than 50% certainty of eventual incarceration. The outside, front cover of NEWSWEEK Magazine (November 13, 2000) showed a picture of a young Black youth and stated that he is one of 14 million Americans, mostly Black and Latino, who will spend some part of their lives in jail or in prison. Remember, when men cannot support their families legitimately, they will commit crimes to get money, and the family structure is weakened or broken when they eventually go to jail. This, in turn, destroys a child’s HOPE of a good future and leads to actions seeking “destructive, immediate gratification.” Further, this destruction of hope creates the vicious cycle that is now leading to an under-class of ever-increasing numbers. Almost 90% of the people in this country have no idea of the magnitude of this threat against Black Males and Black people in general. Yet, apart from us, most people simply do not care. Remember, Hitler was able to destroy allegedly 6-million Jews in Europe because this genocide was not publicized, not even in Germany, and initially not in the rest of the

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