Speak-Up In Class

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Knowledge Some of the most annoying people to be stuck around growing up in school were those who would not leave something alone. The attention seekers would find anything to make themselves look as preposterous as possible in class to get a few laughs at best without a detention sentence. The mean girls could not leave any personal detail untouched just to put their standards on a higher level. Those who thought they knew everything got extremely defensive when their front was destroyed and they could not seem to back up their lies. Those who were knowledgeable in many areas made everyone equally frustrated simply because it seemed they were always going to ace the assignment without studying. Even if they got something incorrect or disrupted …show more content…

Class assignments, group work, and tests were greatly benefited. Debates filled the classroom with laughter, excitement, and interest. I remember certain classmates calling me a best friend to my history teacher simply because he would call on me for verification when he forgot a location or date concerning the subject of the day. However, when it came to speaking up in class or correcting others, it was a different story. I was mocked and ridiculed for saying anything at times. Even when trying to help others with personal issues, I would overstep my bounds and become confused as to why the individual I was trying to assist threw their books at …show more content…

No, I never aimed to hurt anyone. In fact, my Spanish teacher always referred to me as the “Gentle Giant.” I was probably so prone to getting picked on because everyone knew I would just laugh along with them and say, “As long as you’re happy, I’m happy!” Nevertheless, though I always made a conscious effort to be as sweet as could to my significant others or those around me, I would inadvertently get too cocky and jump to conclusions or make it known that I thought I knew much more than them. It has taken me years to understand what I was doing, and I am still in the process of putting myself second in every circumstance. Many times I was so hurried I did not even notice the people I was supposed to connect deeply

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