Sound Of Thunder Theme

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In life small actions or mistakes can, and most times will lead up to something bigger, and this is exactly what happens in the short story “A sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury. In this story, a man named Eckels is living in the year 2055. He is going hunting with a corporation called “time safari inc.” which takes its patrons back in time to hunt the earth's most famous predators. In the text, Ray Bradbury reveals actions of the character Mr. Eckels, and his safari guides Mr.Travis in order to move the plot along. The author reveals how the author's craft move of revealing actions supports the theme, creates the setting, and sets up the problem.
In short story “A Sound of Thunder’’ by Ray Bradbury the craft move of revealing actions is …show more content…

As stated in the text on page 4, “Correct. Crushing certain plants could add up infinitesimally. A little error here would multiply in sixty million years, all out of proportion”. Evidently, this evidence shows that the problem that occurred was known before, as worst case scenario, and in that way, it helps set up the problem. Additionally, on page 7 the text states, “Get me out of here, said Eckels. It was never like this before. I was always sure I'd come through alive. I had good guides, good safaris, and safety. This time, I figured wrong. I've met my match and admit it. This is too much for me to get hold of”. This expresses that the main character, Eckels, is afraid of the animal he's hunting and says it's too much for him to get hold of, which hints that he might do something hasty because of his fears. In conclusion, in the short story “a sound of thunder by Ray Bradbury, The craft move of revealing actions is used in order to support the theme, create the setting, and set up the problem. Using author's craft, the author established a certain mood of this text and relayed his theme in a certain way. Author's Craft helps readers to read a story in a specific way and helps readers understand the story's theme and plot in

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