Song Autobiography Essay

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Song Autobiography Music is a big part of my life, but I am not a musician. I enjoy listening to music no matter what I am doing or what mood I am in. I listen to most genres of music although my usual go to music is contemporary Christian. When I was growing up we were not allowed to listen to “secular” music, so the radio was very seldom on. However I was exposed to a lot of music as a child, my mom sang in many groups at our church and all of my parents friends played the piano, guitar or sang so we always had music when we got together. As for myself I have always loved listening to music, I sang in the choir at school and sang at church. Now I do not sing if others can hear me, so most of my singing is done in the car with …show more content…

My faith has given me strength and comfort in great times of need. My motto in life is to always learn something from my mistakes or hard times that come my way. I have had many hard times in my life but without them I would not be the person I am today. Without the strength I gain from my belief in God I would not be able to look at adversity and ask what I can learn from this. I have chosen Praise You in the Storm by Kutless, this song is about difficult times that will come but we can still praise God because he will lift us up to be able to come through the storms. My second choice for an important person is my Mom. I get my strength from my mom, she has had a lot of adversity in her life but she continues to try to make her life better. She gave up a lot of her dreams to provide for our family. She has struggled for as long as I can remember with pain in her back but, she never let it stop her or slow her down, she continued to stay active in our lives even though sometimes I know she would hurt from keeping up with us and our kids. The song I have chosen for my mom is Fight Song by Rachel Platten. The song describes fighting to make the life she

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