Personal Narrative Essay On Music And Religion

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“Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music.” This was said by Jimi Hendrix. I know exactly what he is talking about, and the music that is made is exactly that. Music is not just for entertainment purposes but for also changing the world. When some people feel they need to say something it cannot always be said. Through music, however it can be spoken without any restraint. Music is not just a hobby, for myself it is a passion, it is something I know God has called me to pursue.
Though I am very passionite about music now, it was not always this way. For many years I was involved in sports, whether it was baseball, football, or wrestling. When I entered my freshman year of high school, I was promoted to the state team for playoffs in football, and I started varsity on the wrestling team. Halfway through the year, my youth pastor asked me a question: “Who is my God?” I didn’t know what to say or think. After praying throughout the rest of the year, I decided to give up sports completely. I had no sense …show more content…

After learning and practicing for approximately four months, I began to play on stage leading worship. By the end of the first year, I was moved up to the Sunday morning band and have progressed since then. The summary of my playing experiences now include: Lander University’s Baptist Collegiate Ministry, 2 different youth group bands, a Sunday morning band, and Nashville for a music/worship leadership camp on several occasions. I have made many connections and have grown spiritually and musically ever since God opened this door. I am currently working toward recording an EP, and I plan to make more music in the coming days. With all this being said, I truly, wholeheartedly, believe that music is a path God is calling me to pursue. For me, music is not just a hobby. It is my

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