Something About Ann Stories Of Love And Brotherhood Summary

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Something About Ann: Stories of Love and Brotherhood by J. Everett Prewitt is a novella that features interconnected short stories about the lives of a group of black soldiers that survived the Vietnam war. This is a compilation of interesting ideas that sadly didn't quite reach its' full potential. The novella follows the lives of troubled soldiers as they try to recover from physical and emotional wounds caused by the war. The first story we get to read is about Clarence Bankston, who falls in love with a Vietnamese woman, although her very presence reminds him of the horrors he desperately wants to forget. After this story comes a series of much shorter stories written from the perspective of many different characters. Some find love, others meet new friends, run into trouble or reminisce about the past. They all …show more content…

The book was very well edited and it was clear that the author knew what he was doing. However, I personally had a problem with the pace of the stories. I found the suspense in certain scenes lacking. Many supposedly suspenseful moments just happened, almost out of the blue. They lacked a proper build-up to keep the readers on the edge of their seats. I also found it hard to connect with the characters, since there were so many of them. This is my biggest problem with the book. For me, the characters are one of the most important parts of a story. If I struggle with finding them intriguing, then I most likely will not find the story interesting at all, which is the case here. It's a shame, really, knowing that these stories were supposed to be character driven. Other than that, I somewhat enjoyed most stories. My favorite one is Myron Turner's story. It was simple and incredibly short, yet heartwarming. I found Myron to be a likable and unique protagonist that was easy to relate to. There was a smile on my face when I finished his

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