Crazy Brave By Joy Harjo Sparknotes

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“A story matrix connects all of us. There are rules, processes, and circles of responsibility in this world. And the story begins exactly where it is supposed to begin. We cannot skip any part” - Joy Harjo, Crazy Brave Stories are the way humans share, create, and explore their many experiences and identities with each other. When a story is told, the original content lingers depending upon how the storyteller recalls the content. Once the story is retold, it often takes on different details and meanings, because each storyteller adds their own perspective, experience, and meaning. The story then begins to have its own life. Each storyteller has a connection to the beginning and the end of the story. Stories were first explored and shared through oral …show more content…

Harjo uses wisdom of the medicine wheel to reveal her life lessons and their often misunderstood, yet meaningful, directions. The first direction she writes of in Crazy Brave is that of ‘The East’. She opens the memoir with The East as being ‘the direction of beginnings, and the direction of where she was born, on the Creek Nation in Oklahoma” (Harjo 15). Setting the beginning of her story ‘at the beginning’ is rather misleading, as the direction she goes with her story does not follow an expected chronological order. Instead, she tells her story through patterns, memories, and settings that seem to come and go in and out of her consciousness. Her natural way of telling a story is very poetic and does not follow the standard rules of genre or memoir. The use of poetry and italics reveal these types of wanderings and ‘stanzas’ in her own life. Life to Harjo is not linear, and it shows in the beautiful rhythms, words, feelings, and experiences that she so ‘bravely’ places on each page of her

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