Some Examples Of Non-Possible Diversity In The Workplace

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Some examples of visible diversity include race and gender. Examples of non-visible diversity include education level and values (Griffith & Dunham, 2015). When you look at a person you can clearly see whether they are a man or a woman. You can obviously not look at a person to determine whether or no they are a college graduate or what their belief system might be. There are things that are visible to the eye and things that are not. The way that a person behaves does not determine where and how their childhood was or where they live.

When thinking about the visible and non-visible diversity in the workplace, organizations conform to the more visual aspects. Research shows that being more diverse culturally increases work ethic altogether …show more content…

Additionally, without diversity great ideas would not be able to be generated (Griffith & Dunham, 2015). Diversity can be viewed as a positive component in organizations by the unlimited presence of different perspectives. People have to be empathetic to the diversity that is established, but also be able to view the array of differences as an asset to the organization as a whole. Another benefit of diversity is the fact that because there is such a diverse dynamic in the work force some of the issues that may have remained stagnant. In addition to the possibility of increased ideas, diversity also brings forth an increase in production (Griffith & Dunham, 2015). Lastly, another benefit of diversity in the workplace allows people from different cultural backgrounds to interact with one another. People are given the opportunity to give their insight to others that may not otherwise be able to experience. These things are benefits because people are not always granted the opportunity to travel or interact with people outside of their culture. While these things can be an attribute they can also be a challenge. While some embrace the diversity, others might culturally be in shock. That might be due to cultural differences and values that people may not be able to …show more content…

As stated before, we as people tend to identify with people that share some of the same cultural and ethical values as we do. When an individual feels like they isolated from the majority they may perform at lower rates. They start to feel like they may not belong. Not having a sense of belonging in an organization can cause an individual to seek other employment. When leaders do not selective employ diverse members it can lead to a high turnover rate within the organization. Some communication barriers exist due to the diverse ethnicity and age groups in organizations. There are a lot of call centers that will employ younger adults for lower rates of pay in order to get work out. However, there is a communication barrier that automatically exists between the 20 year old employee and the 55 year old employee. The way that they speak to one another is going to be different. This too can cause the feeling of the need to

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