Society and Cheating

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Cheating by definition means fraudulent activity. I was taught my whole life not to cheat. I learned my lesson early in life when I cheated on a spelling test, and got the worst spanking of my life from my angry mother. When asked if cheating is wrong, morally we should say “yes”, but society tells us “no, it’s fine”. Cheating has become extremely common everywhere. With new technology available, it’s become even easier to cheat whether it’s using electronics during a test or downloading papers from essay mills. Cheating is a bad quality that has become wrongly acceptable in today’s society. Cheating is a habit that occurs the most with students, teachers, and employees.

Cheating in school and college is not unheard of and it has actually become accepted in some institutions. According to a recent poll conducted by Josephson Institute Center for Youth Ethics, seventy-four percent of students admitted that they’d copied another student’s work, and fifty-one percent said they’d cheated on a test in the past year. (TOMAR) Clearly just about every student in college cheats at least once. Students that cheat get an unfair advantage in their studies. Some students want to get ahead of others no matter what the cost. They feel pressure to get good grades, and go to a good college from their parents, but they don’t want to take the time to study. Technology has made cheating worse in this aspect because students would rather spend time on their computers and game devices rather than study for exams. A lot of college students claim to cheat because they have issues going on in their personal lives; such as, working full time to pay for school or playing sports for the school. I think the biggest reason students cheat is because teachers h...

... middle of paper ... There is no excuse for cheating no matter what, and companies need to start implementing repercussions to punish people who try to cheat their way through the workplace.

Whether you are cheating as a student through college, cheating in the workplace, or being cheated by a teacher, cheating is wrong. If you start cheating at a young age, the habit follows you through school, and even into your adult life. When you look at the statistics and see how many college students admit they have cheated, does it make you think twice about the professionals we trust? It makes me sad that we over look cheating now, as if it’s normal. I think when society stands up then cheating will no longer be excusable or tolerable.

Works Cited

Tomar, Dave. “How I Helped Teachers Cheat.” The New York Times Company, 9 November 2013. Web. 8 March 2014.

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