Children Socialization

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Homeschooled children have the same, if not more, socialization skills than children that go to public schools. Some public schooled children might think that because homeschooled children do not go to a public school that they do not have friends or the social skills that come with going to a public school with their peers. I grew up in the public schools so before doing research I believed that home schooled children did not have the same amount of social skills as public and private schooled children because they did not have to learn in a room full of other kids, which seems to be where kids learn how to take turns and interact with other children of their age.

Now, a couple of ways to know the socialization skills of someone that was homeschooled is to either be homeschooled yourself or talk to someone that has been homeschooled. “People seem to translate the term (homeschooling) literally into school in the home, but one actually socializes so much more than your average kid who is sitting in a classroom all day.”(B.B.Sizer, 2016) Kate Fridkis, a woman that was homeschooled, says how she, “at age twelve, started going to see an older woman regularly that was in a nursing home and by fifteen she was a lay clergy member in her synagogue and auditing a course at …show more content…

2007) It is all about how children are raised by their parents when it comes to teaching children. Kids learn the most from the age of two until five when it comes to socialization so parents teach their kids at first, even if they eventually end up going to public schooling. “Focusing on how homeschoolers address misperceptions, Gathercole explores concepts of socialization, the importance of friendships with other children, strong relationships with parents and how homeschoolers eventually integrate into the “real world”.” (Bush, V.

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