Social Worker Research Paper

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Since high school, I have aspired to become a social worker. A series of events in my personal life made it impossible for me to start my scholastic career soon after graduating from high school. Those same events, however, also made it possible for me to eventually return to school and pursue my early life aspirations. In particular, helping my stepdaughter getting the needed services after she was diagnosed with a mental illness and a learning disability, taking care of my father after a very serious car accident, and helping my husband manage his own disability made me understand that I was not only interested in helping people dealing with disabling conditions. I wanted this to be my life career and help others as well. My family and I know firsthand what it means to be in need to government assistance and I know how a college degree is the best way to secure one’s way out of such a system. I felt particularly rewarded and further inspired when one of the social workers that helped us suggested that my ability to navigate the …show more content…

For example, I am a co-president of the Special Education Parent Advisory Council, and coordinate the communication between our public school administration and the parents of children with disabilities and special education needs. I also sit on the boards for the Universal Access, Human’s Relations and Recreation commissions in my town. Volunteerism is an important part of my life. These commissions have given me the opportunity to strengthen my skills in regards to the diversity of the people I may work with in the future. It allowed me a chance to see how different cultures react to things in different ways. A professor once pointed out that my weakness in dealing with other cultures is that I tend to overthink how to handle the cultural differences. He said that many people from other cultures have adapted to the ways of the United

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