Social Work Technology

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The Utilization of Technology within the Field of Social Work
“Methods of inter-vention, theories of human behavior and the social environment, research agendas, funding and reimbursement procedures, and training programs have evolved over the years to keep pace with an ever - expanding number of social and personal problems with which social workers deal’’ (Reamer 469). Social workers provide insightful information that may benefit or effect their clients’ environment, and inquire a response to several coordinative issues with a solution received from various resources. Therefore, technology is the major efficiency for how well social workers apply education in the performance of their duties, and provide insightful resources prior to their …show more content…

Social workers are highly trained in educational courses and programs to help increase their ability to obtain knowledge in performing their job accurately. A major essential function for the field of social work is “E- learning technologies” (Phelan 257). Therefore, requires social workers to become familiar with the variety of online databases or websites that is being used to research materials and process new information. This can be beneficial to the social workers knowledge and can be applied to case work, while providing accurate data when assisting their clients. “E- learning involves the use of electronic media and information and communication technologies, and includes various forms of educational technology in learning and teaching” (Phelan 257). Social workers constantly utilize e- learning as a resourceful tool to educate themselves with what is occurring in society today and obtain an understanding regarding their client’s circumstances and provide opportunities to help their clients. Social workers can also update their statuses quickly by providing a remotely response to their clients’ questions and to notify their clients in their daily posts about upcoming events. Overall the online resources are used as referral sites for social workers to become well known with their human resource standards and educate themselves in how this information can be utilized every day. Which can also be used as “[A]n integrated strategy that considers the multidimensions of blended learning.” (Phelan 260). Social workers receive background knowledge from online databases and the following courses: psychology and sociology, to understand how their clients may interact with others and how well they adapt to change in their environment. Social workers are

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