Social Work Personal Statement

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I am applying for Master of Social Work because I always want to be able to make a difference to people’s lives and also the society. I believe I can equip myself with knowledge and necessary skills in this program to become a professional social worker to help the vulnerable people. In my daily life, I always keep my eyes on the family related topics and care the mental health of people who are surrounding me. I was shocked by the news that was about a primary six boy to commit suicide because of the divorce of his parents and also his grandma died by suicide. I felt very sorry about this boy and I thought there is an increasing demand for family services in order to help families cope with different crises. From my perspectives, each individual was influenced by his family of origin and the society is formed by families and individuals. If we do our best in family-related services, the society will be benefited immensely. To have a firm mind to become professional social worker when I received a message from my family member …show more content…

Helping others to improve their lives, either physically or mentally, is meaningful and bring me satisfaction. With past working experiences gained over past eight years, I have learnt how to communicate effectively, work within a team; use my own initiative and the ability to manage my time with work, study and family life. Though my past academic background or working experiences are all business related, they provide me a widen view and train up my all-round skills including communication, problem-solving skills and give me lots of opportunities to work with various kinds of people. I believe all these skills and knowledges would help me to cope with different people from different backgrounds and different

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