Social Values Of Hip Hop

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Hip-hop as a whole is not always good, some of it promotes antisocial values, such as hatred speech, misogyny, glorification of violence, and even violent actions in real life. An example of how hip-hop promotes violence and other values that are not good is, Forrest Stuart a Sociology Professor at the University of Chicago researched the effects of hip-hop in Chicago. Stuart started out talking to a collection of kids, he first pulled up a map of the Chicago area. Realizing the kids only wanted to talk about gangs, made him want to research the gangs in the Chicago area even more. One of the kids from the first group, his brother was in one of the gangs. Stuart got in touch with the brother named Zebo. He explained that whatever street you’re …show more content…

In a gang the rappers usually have what are known as “shooters” they are put in place to protect the rappers and put the violence of the raps into action. For example, the gang that Mr. Stuart interviewed was called the CBE. A rival gang created a rap that insulted one of the members of the gang, they decided to shoot up the neighborhood, at this incident, no one was hurt but it leads to a chain reaction that many people did get hurt in. The average gang has about 30 members, but not all of the members are fully committed or have as crucial jobs as another. But, the rappers are what the gangs revolve around. They are the head of the gang. An example, of how powerful they are, one of the rappers from the CBE gang posted on social media that he was going to be open to any and all questions. Throughout the time he was answering questions he would get Facetime and Skype calls from “cloutheads”. Which are groupies that can be easily taken advantage of. The most common way rappers do this to “coutheads” is through “sex work” (P.104 Chicago Magazine 1st column, 1st paragraph, last …show more content…

Hip-hop was first established in the 70’s and it demanded rhythmic music mixed with poetry and together it formed rap (Background 1). Along with the music aspect of hip-hop came dance and graffiti, with all of these characteristics combined clicks of people would form called gangs. Each set of people would mark or “tag” their territory with their music, dance, and art (Background 2). This style of art has the ability to tell a story because to create a good story you have to have real aspects of your own life to tell in the art. Such as Lin-Maranda did in the musical Hamilton, he took the true events of Alexander Hamilton and created a musical that has won many awards and is interesting to many age groups. Hip-hop also comments on today’s society and debates controversial topics because it brings us things that don’t come up in normal conversation such as fathers leaving their children, being gay, or even abuse. Hip-hop has the opportunity to teach ideas about if you work hard you can make something of yourself and you can even step up in society if you work hard enough, long enough and make the right connections. Not only can hip-hop have good impacts on society but it can also make

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