Social Rank Research Paper

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Martin Ruvalcaba Mrs. Hart AP English IV 3 March 2018 Social Rank As we all have our opinions on any given topic, there are only a few opinions that actually matter. It is interesting to see how people of power view the world differently than everybody else. It seems even race is thrown out the window when it comes to social class and people that have money. As one can see on every news outlet, any article, or even in literature, people’s thoughts and opinions depend on what benefits them the most and what rank they have in our current society. I am writing this paper in order to address the topic of social rank and how power affects ideas. Money, racism, and their contribution to people’s ideology are my main arguments to this topic. As …show more content…

Racism has been around since the beginning of time as the color of one’s skin has been the dividing factor between not only nationalities but even within people’s inner social community. Regardless of race it has always been certain that people with money have always had the same ideas that is until now. There was recently a published article online that involved basketball star and Cleveland Cavalier player Lebron James. In an interview James displayed his political views, which is something he tends to due regularly. James often uses his social platform to preach and express his beliefs, something that athletes, actors, and any celebrity do now. However, Laura Ingraham the Fox News host didn’t like the idea at all. She critiqued the basketball player stating “keep the political commentary to yourself, or as someone once said, shut up and dribble.” This sparked controversy all across America. The article written by Rebecca Joseph from Global News proceeded to discuss …show more content…

Perhaps the most influential platform to use is literature. Through books the level of intellect is perfect by using literary elements to manipulate what one wants to convey. This can be seen through any type of genre ranging from fiction to nonfiction. The Outsiders as well as Invisible Man express certain messages as well as many other books. In both of these books one can decipher the author’s views without actually reading it. A fourteen-year-old girl wrote the Outsiders as she lived through the horrors of violence and poverty. The story is about two gangs, the Greasers and the Socs as they battle for control of their town. Immediately the Socs are identified as the villains,” We’re poorer than the Socs and the middle class…. get editorials in the paper for being a public disgrace one day and an asset to society the next.” (Hinton) As suspected the author could relate to the Greasers as she is on the shorter end of the stick. As the story progresses both gangs make decisions that seem to always be either good or bad depending on what gang made it. Evidently Hinton agrees with the poor kids and disagrees with the rich. Ellison an African American man uses the same type of writing in Invisible Man. His book describes the harsh realities of black people’s lives before segregation was abolished, “The lobby was the meeting place for various groups still caught up in the illusions that had

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