Social Promotion

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Social Promotion

Social promotion is the act in which a student is promoted to the next grade level, although their test scores oppose such actions. It is Important to note that there is little to no statistical analysis over how universal social promotion is being practiced at schools; generally it is a not a custom school systems want to admit using. However, based on surveys passed on teachers, over a third have admitted of socially promoting a students in the past. Omitting a student’s bad academic performance to promote them to the next grade level will, initiate the student’s academic failures and teachers potential struggle in educating the class. A teacher’s purpose in life is to set every student up for success not failure. Social promotion will set students up for disaster in the near future. Those in the opposing side may argue over the negative effects of retaining a student. In actuality, however, social promotion does more harm than good in a student’s life. An example of an opposing argument for social promotion is a student’s self-esteem developing. It is true, social promotion will evade the failing student’s short-term self-esteem. Nonetheless, social promotion doesn’t guarantee escaping self-esteem issues in the future due to …show more content…

Not only will the students not be mentally prepared for the upcoming year, the flunking students may view education as a meaningless waste of time. Why? Because of the little to no effort they dedicated on passing their classes. Because of their educational gaps missed in previous years, cruel peers may potentially tease the social promoted kids. These kids are going to have a hard time trying to keep up with everyone else, to the point where they start to lose interest in their education. The best way to aid a student at risk of failing is not by relinquishing the students, the best way to aid a student is by always being by their

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