Social Networking Taking Appropriate Responsibility

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In the case of the MySpace lawsuit of 2006, a 14 year-old girl and her mother filed a lawsuit against MySpace after the girl met with a man she had contact with over the website. The meeting started out with dinner and a movie, but ended with the girl getting raped by the 19 year-old man.
In Kevin Alexander’s essay titled, “MySpace Not Responsible for Predators”, he places the blame on the mother and the daughter stating that “The girl, as traumatic as her experience was, should be held responsible, too.” His reasoning being that, the girl, at 14 years, was old enough to, “Calculate Risk” as well as have “Other higher brain functions.”. Who is to say that 14 year-olds have that kind of brain function? Today, adolescents and young adults are declared incapable of being responsible enough to make their own decisions such as buying cigarettes, getting a credit card, or a tattoo. If today’s youth are not capable to see the long term consequences, why is this girl being criticized and blamed for not observing the potential outcome of her actions online? Though it can be true that the m...

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