Essay On Social Media And Privacy

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Social Media catalyzed the interactivity of the internet by allowing average users to generate content as easily as they could view it. This encouraged people to share themselves online oon social media profiles. Many users were blown away by the possiblities online and satisfied to use online services for free without considering what was in it for the online service. Many people do not understand the large costs that can be associated with a large national or internationl website or application, especially one that allows users to have interactions and one that lets users upload content to be made instantly avaliable to everyone else. However, companies offer thier services for free, so to pay for datacenters, servers, and develpoers companies will sell ad space on thier service and target specific advertisments at people the ad will most likely make an impression …show more content…

To do this, companies need to build a profile of you and your intrests in a covert way without asking you to just fill out a survey and update it every so often. Users are either knowingly or unknowingly giving up their privacy everyday by logging in, so we must ask the question: How can social media provide a false sense of security and privacy to users and why do users concerned about privacy still use social media? Social media can provide a false sense of security to users by empassizing the social aspect of the platform and primarily showing people content generated by thier friends. Similarly, Gehl described his ideal social platform as a network of exclusively peer to peer connections. Gehl’s ideal social network would closely simulate real life communities to the point that the online world is just an extension of real life local communities. Gehl’s ideal social network was private at is core because your content and information would only be shared with your peers. In essence,

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