Social Justice In Australia

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What is Social Justice? Not many people have an understanding of this big issue still facing us today. This is affecting not only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, but almost everyone in the world. I have chosen this topic because I believe that this issue is needed to teach residents and students how to respect one and other. This is especially important when the matter deals with the issue of background and culture. It would be a perfect world if everywhere people went, they weren’t afraid of judgment or prejudice. If everyone valued social justice, then that would become possible. Social justice can be organised and listed into two categories; Inter-Social Treatment and Unequal Government. Inter-Social Treatment involves racism, …show more content…

They stated that the rate of Indigenous imprisonment is 18 times greater than non-Indigenous imprisonment. This is a major example of treating people badly or unfairly due to their race or skin colour. When society is the perpetrator of injustice, unfairness is accepted by the community. The only way this mistreatment will end is when someone stands up for those who don't have the ability to stand up for themselves. This injustice has been basically going for three centuries; ever since The First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay on the 24th January, 1788. There is much work to be done to change the government’s perception of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander …show more content…

D.R.E.A.M is short for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors. The D.R.E.A.M act was designed to give undocumented students the opportunity to receive citizenship after 6 years on the condition that they are of good moral character and attend a four-year college or serve in the military for two years. This act not only gives opportunity to the individuals but for the community as well as it bonds higher education with citizenship encouraging education with the opportunity to succeed in the community. This is a social justice education program that can also benefit early on, by giving students and families the knowledge that they can succeed in the future. Although this act only lasted ten years due to funds being cut in

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