Social Justice In Social Work

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Social justice is a core value in the social work field. We define social justice as, “all citizens would possess equal fundamental rights, protection, opportunities, obligations and social benefits (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015, p. 29). Unfortunately, we understand there are many members in today’s society that are not receiving social justice. Some may not want help and believe that s/he is able to do it on their own and then there are the individuals that we may not know about that could really use our help. Our jobs as social workers is to help those who need help no matter if they are rich, poor, disabled, white, Hispanic, it does not matter because everyone should be treated equally. As NASW states, “The original mission of social work had much to do with championing the rights of society’s most vulnerable members, from children to homeless people to the physically disabled” (NASW: National Association of Social Workers, 2015, para. 1). In the case of Brenna she is an 18 year old female who has come upon some hard times. When she was 15 years old she was sexually assaulted by a man that her mother was dating. When she confronted her mother about the situation she was called a liar as he mother did not believe her. Brenna was then asked to leave the house and she then went to live in …show more content…

As a case manager we are “to coordinate needed services provided by any number of agencies, organizations, or facilities” (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015, p. 31). Not only did she advocate for health services for Brenna but she also working on her housing issue, helped her set up a monthly food budget, helped her find counseling, and helped her build a support network (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015, p. 32). By providing Brenna with all of these resources the case manager is building up her self-worth and showing her that even though she had some hard times she can survive and make better for herself and her

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