Social Conformity Essay

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As people socialize, they create interactions whose products are influential to act back upon the people to determine or constrain actions. Moreover, social interactions may be likened to a theatre whereby people are the actors as the rest of the people are the audience. These other people actively observe the role-playing and respond by reacting to the performances. However, people’s behaviors tend to change when they are alone as they get rid of the roles they play in front of others. Social concepts are mental constructs that represent people in a simplified form, such as the idea of a social class, differences between groups due to culture, power, or other characteristics. However, concepts may be operationalized or abstract, whereby …show more content…

Norms thus are the means through which people express their values in behavior. Students in higher learning institutions have to follow certain rules and regulations in addition to their learned behaviors, such living amicably with their peers. These norms are passed down to generations as new students enroll to the institutions and follow the set rules and regulations as they specify what should and should be done. Moreover, it is a norm in schools to cooperate with the lecturers and the administration to make the education environment …show more content…

As people lead their everyday lives, they perform various tasks that bring order to their lives and that of others. This is made possible as the social structure gets coordinated and integrated to achieve order rather than chaos. Students in an institution are obliged to conform to certain norms and values as specified by the institutions themselves. Moreover, outside schools caste distinctions and social classes play an integral role in influencing people’s behavior. However, it may be hard to influence the behavior of people brought up in a metropolitan

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