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Socio economic factors impact on health
Socio economic factors impact on health
Durkheim and the science of sociology
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Outlined within this essay are two sociological theories which have been investigated this will be in conjunction with a contemporary health issue. This then will be related to how the individual’s lifestyle and social class to give the reader a better understanding of this health issue. Functionalism perspective will be the first sociological theory reviewed. Functiolism is one of the earliest sociological perspectives Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) who was German developed ideas for the first time relating to functionalism. Socialization occurs within this perspective, individuals learn the rules of a group, as this theory highlights all members of society has a role to play. Social class is not an issue with this theory although value and ethic’s consensus is essential for effective functioning within society. This theory concentrates on different parts of society to see how it works, for example, a church, family and government this perspective looks at these to see what contribution this play to the entire social system. Durkheim states that the social system work’s like an organic system it can be he same way the body works which parts of the body are all depended on another, this theorist explains society is like this. We Must “Analyse the contribution which practises the institution makes to the continuation of society as a whole” (Giddens p.710 1995) Functionalist state they do not concentrate on conflict or division within society. However, Durkheim does mention society is together by certain parts of the social system sharing values. If any of the above fails to work together, functionalists explain this as a ‘loss of social solidarity, a lack of integration or a loss of equilibrium’ (Jones 2003 p.38) the key conc... ... middle of paper ... ...r height in metres, a healthy BMI for an adult is 18.5 to 25 and if you are classed as obese, your BMI is 30 or more. (Astrup 2009) If the individual suffers from obesity this could lead to other health problems such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, respiratory problems and some cancers. Figures in 2003 showed that almost two-thirds of men (64%) and more than half of women (57%) were overweight including obese. These statistics illustrate the extent of the problem in Scotland. (Scottish Government 2003) Stastics in 2007 concluded that Scotland has one of the highest levels of obesity second to the USA. (Scottish Government 2007) Obesity is more popular among children one in five children in Scotland aged 12 are clinically obese. (Chalmers 2007) Obesity can be related to the individuals socio economic status, this is what social class the individual fits in to.
Functionalism views society as the stability and assimilation of a range of forces that function within it. While society is a separate entity with a life of its own, there are individual elements contributing to that stability. Functionalism as a sociological theory emphasizes assimilation rather than the dissociation of society. Therefore, the society is seen as a whole that is compromised of parts which give one another their identity and their function. The part, whether that is education, such as a school, or sports, such as a football team, operates in relation to the other parts, and cannot be entirely understood in isolation from the other parts. All the parts are interrelated, and when there is a disturbance in any one of the parts, is when you can see the interdependence. But what is important about this theory is that “there will always be some reorganization and tendency to restore equilibrium” (Wallace and Wolf 17). Functionalist do not believe it’s crucial that the people involved in the society to be aware of this interconnectedness anymore than the brain and heart consciously realize that they work together as an organism.
The functionalist paradigm focuses on the integration of society, and how society how its own groups which has their own functions to help improve the peoples lives. Functionalist paradigm fits in the category of macro-sociology, because it focuses on the patterns that shape an entire society. Functionalists believe that society is maintained through the thought of trust and consensus on moral values for ideal behavior. Working together will result in a stable social environment that will create equality. Conflicts or dysfunctions will be view as a disease in the social system. Social conflict paradigm believes that society is divided into many groups that have their own goals, and that certain parts of the world have the luck of benefiting economic dominan...
Overtime, sociology has played an essential role in the aid of healthcare policies and procedures, along with playing a fundamental role in one’s understanding of health inequalities. This paper explores how sociology has played such a role in healthcare, whilst including discussions regarding the influence of social structures and inequalities in the health of an individual, their family and community, with the topic of health variations between social classes being the main focus of the discussion. A structured overview, review and evaluation of a specific health policy in the UK will also be provided within this paper. Sociology in healthcare. Sociology can be defined in a number of ways, due to its almost limitless scope (Denny, Earle,
Durkheim is called one of the two principal founders of the modern phase of sociological Theory. He is stablished that brought him work for the analysis of social systems. The framework Remain the central to Sociology, a few related anthropologies. Durkheim was born in the town of Epinal. He was of Jewish percentage, some of his friends were rabbis. He was expected to be a rabbi but he became an agnostic. In 1886, there have took a year leave to study in Germany, where he was impressed by the psychologist Wundt. The ham was concerned with how societies could maintain the integrity and coherence in modern society.
Functionalism focuses on each aspect of society being independent and contributes to stability (Cliffsnotes, 2016.) It ignores the dysfunction of stratification such as poverty (Cliffsnotes, 2016.) Fails to recognize the negative impact of low income, education, mortality and life choices have on people’s life and what this can mean for people trapped in such life cycle (Cliffsnotes, 2016.) The main difference between functionalism and weberianism is functionalism believed that society was naturally heading towards equilibrium (check where this is from)Durkheim believed that there were two types of structures within society, (institutions and social facts), for society to maintain social equilibrium each structure must work together to create a balance (check where this is from .) For example, schools educate the children so they can get a job and put back into society, this relationship was termed ‘manifest functions’ (Brown, 2013.) Functionalism looks at society on a large scale (Moore et al, 2006.) Weberianism focuses more on individuals and how they hold the power to change their status within a competitive society. It describes how people can fight for economic gains; this is proved in history with the rise of the working class (Moore et al, 2006.) This idea later becomes the sociological theory we know as capitalism. Max Weber was interested in understanding the human behavior (Bartle, 2012.) He believed we should show empathy for individuals as understanding the meaning behind the way the individual behaves, is important when determining their place in society and the product of their behavior (Bartle,
Adding to earlier strain theories from theorist like the French Emile Durkheim, who is considered one of the fathers of sociology because of his effort to establish sociology as a discipline distinct from philoso...
Functionalism is the doctrine that what makes up a particular mental state doesn’t depend on the what it’s made with or how it’s built, but the way it functions or the role it plays within its system. They say that mental states are defined by functional roles and mental kinds are functional kinds. They say that things with minds are just things put together in the right way. As long as something can play the ‘functional role’ that defines, pain for example, then that thing has pains.
Functionalism is the oldest and most commonly used theoretical approach used to understand social issues. Functionalism is a macrosociological perspective that presents the idea that society consists of different components working together to help a society function as one. Sociolog...
.... Functionalism is much too conservative, and does not have a way to explain major changes in society. The conflict theory does not explain some of the more orderly and stable parts of society. They both make good points, and both have good arguments. I however, cannot endorse one over the other for the simple reason that they are both essentially wrong and right at the same time. A conflict theorist is correct in saying that money and power do give you special considerations, and conflicts are at the base of most social change, however, they are wrong in assuming that all social institutions are unstable. A functionalist is correct in saying that the society is made up of interdependent and interacting parts, but wrong in their conservative assumptions. A blend of the two would probably provide the greatest base for an argument and would probably be the most real.
Sociology of Health and Illness The sociological approaches focus on identifying the two sociological theories. We critically analysed the biomedical model and doctor-patient relationship. We also evaluated how the medical professionals exercise social control and the medical professional’s contribution to ill health. The difference between society and health is studied by sociologists in relation to health and illness.
Ø In particular with Durkheim’s work, it is too optimistic and maintains the idea of social solidarity as the main theme, and simply believes pathologies can be solved through simple social reform, ignoring any problems or conflict and the affects. Ø Marxists argue that the modern family is organised to support and benefit the ruling class and the capitalist economy, rather than benefiting all of society. In particular, they accuse functionalists for ignoring the fact that power is not equally distributed in society. Some groups have more wealth and power than others and may be able to impose their norms and values as less powerful groups.
Functionalism, largely influenced by Talcott Parsons, can be interpreted in several ways, creating the different versions of functionalism such as biocultural functionalism and structural-functionalism, which have different main aspects of belief. Bicultural functionalism expresses the belief that because of physiological needs social institutions were created in order to fulfill these needs. This belief suggests that functionalism, the belief that anything simply occurs because it serves a function, is based upon the individual's needs which include reproduction, food and shelter. Alternatively, the social structure and society as a "system of relationships" is also part of functionalism as the structural-functionalism view. According to the structural-functionalism it is not the individual that is important, but society as a whole. "He suggested that a society is a system of relationships maintaining itself through cybernetic feedback, while institutions are orderly sets of relationships whose function is to maintain the society as a system." Overall functionalism in the idea that there is a disconnect between the mental states and the physical, and that mental states can only be identified through their functional role ("Functionalism." Web. N.p.). Parsons "[…] contributed to the structural-functionalist school conceptualized the social universe in terms of four types and levels of '...
The official definition of obesity, is having a BMI of greater than 29.9. (Obesity and overweight). For example for a 5’10” male, a weight of 160lbs would yield a BMI of 23.0. Perfectly within the BMI range of healthy weight, 18.5- 24.9. But if that 5’10” male weighed say 230lbs, they would have a BMI of 33.0, and would be considered Obese.
Imagination is another word for possibilities or a way to see things through the minds eye. It's vision that isn't accomplished through our senses. The sociological perspective adds society and it's overall purpose. Three of the main perspectives of sociological are the functionalist perspective, conflict perspective and the symboilc interactionist perspective. Each consist of theories on how society operates and believes the concept proves it.
1999). A basic definition of functionalism would be the study of the social and cultural